There are many families living in the UK whose first language isn’t English and schools in England are becoming more culturally and linguistically diverse. While many students quickly attain proficiency in English, there’s can sometimes be a language barrier when communicating with one or both parents.This can present daily challenges and may cause them concern about the learning and schooling of their children. Conversely, some families are indeed English speaking and, while their accents may be heavy, English is their language of choice, so communication may be challenging. Take a look below at answers to some common challenges faced by parentswhose first language isn’t English. We’ve also listed below how Exemplar Education can help parents support their children’s learning. Some challenges you may face:
  1. How can you help with homework if English isn’t your first language?
All parents can help their children with homework and understanding what they have learned in school and through Exemplar Education. You could take your child to visit places that support their learning, such as museums or libraries, to find out more about the subject.
  1. How can you improve your children’s English language learning at home?
 Always communicate with your child in your strongest language at home, as this will help to develop their language skills and their understanding of ideas. This will also encourage them to focus on and learn English at school and in the community. It’s important to continue to use your first language whilst encouraging them to learn English, because learning a language fluently takes a long time, and it is very important that every child has age-appropriate language development in at least one language. Learn more:
  1. How can you improve your own English?
English as a second or other language (ESOL) classes are for adults learning English. You can ask at your local college or search online for ESOL followed by the name of your town (e.g. ESOL Birmingham) to find classes in your area.You can find out more at: How Exemplar Education can help:
  1. Ask us questions
If you are struggling to understand anything on the Exemplar Education system, please reach out and ask us. We will be more than happy to help you understand.
  1. Use technology
Google translate is a great place to start. It isn’t perfect but it works pretty well. Simply set it to convert from your language into English, type in what you are trying to translate, and let it work its magic!
  1. Ask your children to help you understand
Asking your children to help you understand puts their brains to work and encourages them to work on their own language skills. This can also work as a good bonding exercise.
  1. Tell us that English isn’t your first language
We are more than happy to use standard English to make understanding easier. We will help you understand by speaking slowly, and avoiding slang, idioms, and analogies.
  1. We will stay in touch
We will keep in regular contact in order to build and maintain a valuable partnership that will undoubtedly benefit the student using Exemplar Education.